Monday, August 9, 2010

Total Well-being through Reiki and Life Coaching

Throughout centuries, various stories have been told about people seeking alternative or non-traditional therapies for health and spirituality. We've all heard about old-wives household remedies, Shamans, Tribal Priests, and the like - many people and scientific research claim that such remedies work like a charm, yet others (yes, even scientific research) claim their invalidity. Yet these atypical remedies have not gone away; they have survived generations and have found its way into contemporary times. Perhaps there is a valid reason for why it has survived, and why it works for certain people, but not for others.

I believe that the key to the success of utilizing alternative medicine and spirituality rests with one's intention. Just like any other modern/western medical therapy, a patient must have the intent of healing not only through treatment, but also through personal care. Put it this way, if your doctor gave you a prescription for a stop-smoking patch because you said you wanted it, but didn't pick it up at the pharmacy - would you get better? Or what if you did start using the patch, but still smoked a pack a day - would you get better? Of course not! Although the initial intent may exist, you are not focused on on the intent and definitely not focused on the treatment.

Western, Eastern, or Alternative methods of medicine and healing on any level cannot work if you are not serious on your intent to heal. Whether your intent is to heal on a physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual level it is always best to conduct self-evaluation on the seriousness of your desire to change the imbalance in your life.

People who create the intent in their minds, and have a strong desire to live a fulfilling life may want to consider the services of a Certifed Reiki Practitioner and Life Coach/Guide. These professionals have the knowledge and insight to help strengthen your resolve in clearing out your life blockages; hence, progressing towards a more successful clearing and healing process. Furthermore, working with these professionals can positively heighten your body's acceptance of any personal medical treatment.

True Reiki Professionals are blessed with the ability to channel spiritual or universal life energy that addresses your individual needs. Reiki individuals do not diagnose any possible medical conditions, and do not transfer their personal energies to you; they only channel the energy meant for you during your session. Reiki Practitioners become certified in their preferred Reiki lineage and are held to high standards along with a set Code of Ethics and Practice. It is not necessary for "true" practitioners to hold the designation of "master" or "third level" or "shinpiden."

Life Coaches or Life Guides usually have the gift of knowing and insight, and adopted this gift at a very young age. Individuals with myriad life experiences usually make great Life Coaches, for they are able to truly empathize with your personal experience. Life Coaches usually have a certain level of intuitiveness, and a gift of channeling their higher guides in order to assist in guiding you towards a better resolution. Moreover, professional training or schooling is another good sign that you are in the right hands, so to speak.

*Jennifer Simpson realized her intuitiveness and life purpose of becoming a healer at a very young age. Like many who become life coaches later in life, she endured many difficult life experiences which only expanded her life knowledge and sensitivity. Her gift of being clairsentient assisted her, and those close to her in surviving numerous life-changing events. In her adolescent years, Jennifer became interested in world religions; thus, leading to her studies in Catholicism, Episcopalianism, Buddhism, Judaism, Taoism, Islam, Rumi, Kabbalah, and other divine orders. It is no wonder that Jennifer has lived in several countries, and has strong multi-cultural awareness. Among other endeavors, Jennifer devoutly practices daily meditation and spiritual channeling. She also enjoys visiting Green Gulch, a San Francisco Zen Center, and studying A Course In Miracles by Dr. Helen Schucman.

Jennifer Simpson is both a Certified Reiki Practitioner and Certified Life Coach. She received her certification from the Komyo Reiki Kai tradition/lineage. Her Life Coaching skills was recognized and certified by Anthony Robbins, Cloe Madanes, and by the Life Purpose Institute. She is currently engaged in medical research at the National Institutes of Health (Clinical Center) in Bethesda, Maryland, but is equally impassioned in bringing light and healing into the lives of those who seek it.

Jennifer Simpson may be reached via her website: